Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Understand what is on ground in Biafra land between Freedom fighters on one side and Ipob without MNK, Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, Biafra corrupt cabals/governors on the other side and make your choices...

 Understand what is on ground in Biafra land between Freedom fighters on one side and Ipob without MNK, Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, Biafra corrupt cabals/governors on the other side and make your choices...

One of the Igbo cabals
And how he sees the
Freedom fighters 

***Corrupt Igbo cabals, governors, ohaneze ndigbo and other successful criminals don't want Biafra freedom not because they don't know our people are being enslaved but because they believe that the devil they have worked with is better than Angels they don't know. In other words, the mentioned want to be in authority even if to run enslaved Igbos and Biafrans on behalf of their tormentors because they know that a new Biafra can't allow their wickedness and corruption to survive in new Biafra and to press their points home, this group have been the one inviting Nigeria army to do Python dance 1-3 and crocodile smile to kill Biafrans youths who want freedom. It's also this group that arranged with Nigeria army with support from some members of MNKs DOS to attack Kanus home to kill him. It's this same group that connived with Nigeria government with increased support from some members of DOS to rendition MNK. It's this same group that wrote to DSS not to release MNK after the court ruled he had been acquitted.

**Ipob NIGERIA and some members of DOS as contained above have been working against Biafra freedom and with renditioning of MNK the number of them swinging pro Nigeria became quite significant. As at today ask yourself why on renditioning of MNK DOS did the right thing by declaration of sit at home every Monday and before the first sit at home DOS cancelled it! The elements in DOS that is pro Nigeria are the ones that pressured HDOS to cancel the sit at home. This same elements were the ones that MNK would declare buycot of zoo election would pressure him MNK to cancel the election buycot! You're aware it was Emeka ihedioha that wrote to Nigeria government on behalf of Igbos cabals now ask yourself why Chinasa Nworu ESN commander would attend the burial of Emeka ihedioha's mother, ask yourself why Zoo Governor MBA that is organizing RUGA for Fulanis would provide Chinasa Nworu convoy to attend burial of mother of Emeka ihedioha... Ask yourself what Chinasa Nworu gave to governor MBA that he provided him convoy. The fact is that majority of DOS members that want MNK released and have teamed up with the Igbo corrupt cabals by extension Nigeria government and has abandoned the struggle completely! Just last week Emeka gift a member of DOS was urging President Tinubu to do regional government which is clearly what Ipob has settled for and if care is not taken may force MNK to accept that term for his release! In the interim, Ipob DOS and Igbo cabals are raising a common force to counter genuine Biafrans still fighting for our freedom and the Nigeria government is waiting to cash in on this and should Elohim keep quiet, the freedom fighters be defeated then our enslavement would last for another one thousand years because I foresee Tinubu agree to do regional government should Ipob Igbo cabals team up to destroy the freedom fighters and on their success, Tinubu won't do the regional government and our enslavement is Total!

The choice is yours whether to help our freedom or to sign our enslavement for the next 1000 years

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Intrigues of Redeclaration of Biafra

 Intrigues of Redeclaration of Biafra

Mazi Simon Ekpa PM

Though redeclaration of Biafra has come and gone and as we speak now, United States of Biafra is already over a week. It means USB is over one week and means Biafrans have now enjoyed the country USB FOR over one week as at today 7th December 2024! Congratulations Biafrans!

However, not many people understand what went behind the scene to make the redeclaration not to happen. Fasten your belt to be driven through how Elohim navigated that sharks infested waters through our brightest stars Simon Ekpa and his chief of staff, Dr. Ngozi Olabueze…

***Two weeks plus to the convention, the PM made a post saying that in the next two weeks that every blogger and news house would write against him but that Biafrans should know that though it appears the attacks are against his person but it’s  actually against Biafrans but that the Biafrans shouldn’t  do anything about the attacks that we will come out victoros despite the attacks.(That was when he got wind of what was loading…

***Few days after there were no more posts from the Biafra PM , however Commander ROZ posted that the PM was on national assignment.

***Few days later there were news , shocking news I may say, that Biafra PM has been arrested and that NIGERIA government were demanding immediate extradition!

***Few days later , Dr. Ngozi Olabueze in Finland not her US base declared that arrest or detention of Biafra PM won’t  stop the convention or the declaration!

***Few days later, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Nigeria President flew to France in a secret meeting with French leader.

***Few days to the convention, French leader was in a call to Alex Stubb leader of Finland

The redeclaration of Biafra independence had for long been set for December 2 2024…(keep that in mind)

The convention was slated for Nov 29- December 3 2024(keep that in mind)

From 27th November evening to November 29th 2024 morning slightly over 1000 delegates were already at the Lati convention center. The venue was electric with high spirited Biafrans and supporters despite the detention of the Biafra PM but uncertainty hangs in the air as concerned particularly of the redeclaration.

***11am Lati Finland local time, Dr. Ngozi Olabueze read written address by Biafra PM and like a movie, the main agenda of the 29 November was set aside instead the brave Dr. Ngozi Olabueze read out the forty states of Biafra touched in brief the self Referendum and the powers it conferred on the Biafra government in Exile and still like a movie to great surprise of the watching world redeclared Biafra independence, lowered Nigeria flag and hoisted the Biafra flag of freedom! The truth was as the redeclaration of Independence was being reeled out by Dr. Ngozi Olabueze more than 90% of the people in Biafra land and globe were still thinking it would be done on December 2 2024 and that’s  why it was a master stroke!

Now let me do a forensic analysis of how this master stroke was executed by the game masters(analysis is strictly mine)

When the PM made the post of media attacks against him was when he got wind of what was coming and ultimate implications on the redeclaration and within limited time left him he ordered his Chief of staff to come to Finland with the next flight and on arrival was intimated of what was loading.. The PM right there and then empowered her to do the redeclaration, handed necessary documents materials, signed cheques to cover expenses and other logistics as well as write his speech to the convention but ordered her not to breath a word about what was loading. Since it’s  uncertain all that was loading and timing of the detention, the decision to change redeclaration date was taken there and then. Meanwhile President of Nigeria was in France with Macron soliciting help from him to mount pressure on Alex Stubb to , if nothing at all to stop the redeclaration on December 2 2024 and it can’t  be said that Tinubu didn’t  succeed because days whilst Tinubu was still in France, President Macron was in long talk with Prime Minister Alex Stubb and your guess is correct something was to have happened on December 2 2024! However Biafra PM was ahead of Tinubu Macron and Alex Stubb because as directed, Dr. Ngozi Olabueze bravely did the redeclaration on November 29 shocking both Prime Minister Alex Stubb, President Macron and President Tinubu of Nigeria who immediately left France the next day! If the PM has not outsmarted the three leaders, the delegates would have arrived the venue on December 2 2024 and discover it and all materials for the convention had been sealed by Finland police with one excuse like that permit for the convention need ratification or some mumbo jumbo and there goes the redeclaration of the independence with that Ipob Nigeria and DOS would declare that the PM is working with Nigeria government to scam people of their funds and that the redeclaration wasn’t meant to be from day one! Thanks to Chukeuokike Abiama!

Biafra is here.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Updating my Weblog using my phone

 Can I update my Weblog now using my phone?

The answer is Yes! A large number of high grade android phones can now be easily used to not only to update your posts in your weblog but to make new posts, add images and clips and post.

Note some phones may say low memory when you want to upload images and clips all you do is to minimize the post go clear caches in all your apps and retry and sure they would load.

Now here is how to update your Google Weblog with your android phones step by step, it runs from step one to four:


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Profiling of Igbos Abike Dabri's NIDCOM and NIGERIA House of Representative Bigotry

 Beyond Abike Dabri's, NIDCOM and Nigeria House of Representative's Profiling of Igbos

Abike Dabri, a former highly respected journalist is now the face of Yoruba's profiling of Igbos. A number of times, she fiddles with her android when negatives concerning her ethnic group pops up the grid but once it has to do with the Igbos in a minute she would not only activate her NIDCOM but alert other government departments like the Amaka Patience case in Canada who many believes were merely responding to toxics from Yoruba and Edo extraction, whilst personally I am not in support of Amaka or the Yorubas or Edo toxics but Abike Dabri swift action underlines her bias against Igbos and perhaps that of President Tinubu administration.

Beyond Mrs. Abike Dabri's NIDCOM and Nigeria House of Representative's action against Amaka Patience, the haters of Igbos have long moved beyond social media threats to destruction of Igbos lives and properties in Lagos and other south West states. 

Igbos Hate Speech United Kingdom 

Adeyinka Grandson in UK came up with his own..

Igbos Hate Speech Austria 

Kingsley in Austria came up with his own about poisoning Igbo children anywhere they're found and Abike Dabri and NIDCOM kept mute..

Igbos Hate Speech Nigeria

Mr. Ononuga has come up with his own toxics and no one asked him any question..

Igbos Hate Speech Nigeria

Oba of Lagos, His Majesty Oba Akilolu had come up with his and no one ever cautioned him

Igbos Hate Speech Nigeria 

Oluomo had come up with his own, no one cautioned him..

Mrs Remi Tinubu had come up with hers how Igbos would be erased by God's of Yoruba land and Yorubas would inherit trillions of dollars worth of Igbos investment not even the husband cautioned her and couldn't that have implied husband's approval?

Before all these Adeyinka Grandson not only threatened the Igbos his call for annihilation of Igbos led to death of scores of Igbos in Oshodi and Mushing areas and properties destruction ammounting to millions of dollars and Abika Dabri never lifted a finger nor her NIDCOM or Nigeria house of representative...

However it's of note that just a single Igbo chief extremely angered by the cacophony of treats to Igbos issued a threat to see if that would stop the sounds of deaths against Igbos has been in detention without trial more than a year now! If this is not apartheid tell me what's....

Has anyone wondered why Igbo markets are going into flames in Lagos every other few months yes I can hear you say come off it all are accidents! But have you factored in the effect of high profile Yorubas call for Igbos destruction? In Lagos alone, more than twelve markets and Igbos places of business were burnt down by fire!

All of them accidents!? Don't think so..

Apart from burning of Igbos markets you recall the destruction of landmark center where over $200 million investment was destroyed hurriedly and the so called coastal road it was destroyed for has been suspended!!!! 

We also remember festac extension demolition and whole lot of other demolitions. Biafra has asked for freedom rest of Nigeria say over their dead bodies let the Biafrans or Igbos have peace in Nigeria they say over their dead bodies ! What this summed up to is what a northern senator said at the floor of Assembly several years back that the 70 million inhabitants of South and South East should be wiped off so that the rest of Nigeria use their land for mining and farming!

Some of Igbos properties burnt or destroyed 2022 2023 2024 and counting...

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why South African Government supports Xenophobic Attacks

Why South African Government supports Xenophobic Attacks

It has finally downed on South African blacks that political independence from Britain and others wasn't, isn't and will never be economic independence just like ethnic nationalities in Nigeria sadly found out in Nigeria shortly the cunning Britain "handed over"!  That realization had taken over 3 million lives in the first civil war and would have taken perhaps another 10million if IPOB had opted for war in its struggle perhaps more because Britain would have used the opportunity to sell weapons worth hundreds of million of pounds and most importantly extends its holds on the Nigeria economy through the Fulanis, the British surrogate. Despite the wise decision by Ipob to avoid war for none violent resistance, lives are lost daily because of same British grip on Nigeria economy.

Ramophosa and other south African elites have found out that they are exactly in the same shoes as Nigeria or even worse since in Nigeria case, Britons and other whites left at independence but all Britons Dutch and others are forever in South Africa retaining almost every means of production including land! However, slowly the everyday black south African have realized after the euphoria of independence that really not much are on the ground. Instead of successive leaders to invest in human resources to lift blacks up, they were chasing shadows. Government is fearing civil war amongst blacks since they can't possibly take on the minority whites without consequences such as it happened in Zimbabwe. Recall how Briton galvanized its partners in crime to ensure the destruction of Zimbabwe economy.

SO FOR BLACK LEADERS TO AVOID DRINKING THEIR OWN BLOOD AND TO TEMPORALLY HIDE THEIR TOTAL FAILURE IN LEARNING FROM NIGERIA AND OTHER AFRICAN STATES AND TO AVOID CIVIL WAR AMONGST THE BLACKS  IT PROGRAMMED XENOPHOBIA AGAINST OTHER AFRICANS telling South African blacks that other Africans took their jobs! Ramophosa, Mbeki are the ones that failed the blacks by failing to declare a state of emergency in education to bring up blacks to sound educational level since most viable economic resources are in the hands of whites. Ramophosa and previous leaders including Mandela are great cowards because they failed to extract any kind of economic leverage from the whites who had earlier taken those resources by brute force of iron and blood from the impoverished blacks.

Finally the average south African apart from other systemic handicaps are mentally and muscle lazy, most migrant Africans came into South Africa almost same time black south Africans got independence or even after the independence, how come they, African immigrants managed to make a living and black south Africans are finding it difficult to survive only to be roaming the streets looking for shops to loots at slighted chance and immediately their leaders deceived them that African migrants took their jobs, sheepishly they embark on shop looting but Ramophosa, Mbeki and other leaders fueling the killing of migrant African should be warned they are on borrowed time because just like at SA independence , black south African would soon find out  long after all African migrants are dead or gone, they are still poor because most means of survival are still with whites, it will either then be that their leaders are ready to invest heavily in education of black south Africans or brace up to confront the whites with its consequences or go for each others troath!

Mazi Igwegbe Lawrence